Tuesday, March 29, 2011
human trafficking...:((((
Human trafficking is a modern way of slavery in which they(humans) are illegally traded for the purpose of sexual exploitation..forced labor...this is what i've read from the wikipedia...but reading the headline for today's newspaper, I was like babies for sale????such an absurd idea to sell babies..What's the purpose of selling babies?Wanting to have a child yet choosing the wrong way of having it...come on..why is it so hard to follow procedures..there's nothing to be afraid of..except the criteria is not there..i mean to be parents......It's a great intention to have a baby to be taken care of but there are ways of getting one.welfare departments are always welcoming the foster parents to register but of course dealing with the agencies might take some time..but it's worth waiting kan...i am emotionally affected with this current issue..maybe because i am a mother now...being a mother has changed the entire me..hmmmm.............
Monday, March 28, 2011
flashback..teringat pulak bile jauh2 ni..huhuuh
you light up my life..
you give me hope..to carry on...
you light up my days..
and fill my nights with songs...
waktu tunang....
first honeymoon to Sabah(sponsored by company)hehhee
candle light dinner kat jb...
Sunway Pyramid..
mersing...tepi sungai
family dinner
berjaya tioman |
dalam feri ke pulau tioman
dapat mak lagi satu..hehehe..now i have two mothers
I am a wife.....
and i am a mother......how time flies hehehehe....
-student-chemist-teacher-________????a psychologist perhaps...I Wish!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
lots of catching ups to do...
i had been super duper busy lately....i was involved in the spm registration for this year...i was sent to penang to attend a course...i've got to train my basketball team..had to cope with the secretary's job in school...my life had been chaotic....sometimes i do feel that i failed to manage things at once....am not a multi tasking person i guess..had to sort things out one by one...which is time consuming and it ends up unfinished at the end..but ya..that's life....full of challenges...The bestest thing of all is FAMILY DINNER!!!!!!
Last yeaR, i was the organizer..since hub was not able to take long leave..so we decided to organize our very first family day in Hotel Seri Malaysia in Mersing..so hub on and off joined our activities alternately with his current task at that moment..Well, this year..despite all the problems we had...alhamdulillah, we managed to organize a family dinner....Every year, we normally have barbeques at home or just a simple dinner at Prime City Hotel...this year the venue was Landmark Hotel..let the pictures do the talking yeah..
the organizer- the 1st sister....cik awot....................,.
unfortunately mak had to sit on a wheelchair due to unexpected athritis....walaupun sakit tetap sporting ye...
ngah n k.ngah
orang jauh...yaying n abg d.........
hehhe..sorry, the picture was taken by my not so high pixel hp..hahhaha...so tak
clear sgt la......................hehhehe..more pictures in facebook profile yeah...........
asilah enjoying the arrival after the long journey..
dinner at restoran tasik indah..if i'm not mistaken
Last yeaR, i was the organizer..since hub was not able to take long leave..so we decided to organize our very first family day in Hotel Seri Malaysia in Mersing..so hub on and off joined our activities alternately with his current task at that moment..Well, this year..despite all the problems we had...alhamdulillah, we managed to organize a family dinner....Every year, we normally have barbeques at home or just a simple dinner at Prime City Hotel...this year the venue was Landmark Hotel..let the pictures do the talking yeah..
the organizer- the 1st sister....cik awot....................,.
unfortunately mak had to sit on a wheelchair due to unexpected athritis....walaupun sakit tetap sporting ye...
ngah n k.ngah
orang jauh...yaying n abg d.........
hehhe..sorry, the picture was taken by my not so high pixel hp..hahhaha...so tak
clear sgt la......................hehhehe..more pictures in facebook profile yeah...........
so..the earlier weekend, me, hub and asilah had a quick getaway to
KL ....we stayed at the Grand Bluewave Hotel in Shah Alam......enjoy the pics
asilah enjoying the arrival after the long journey..
dinner at restoran tasik indah..if i'm not mistaken
breakfast..owh..i hate my eyebags..
on the 23rd Mac 2011, SPM results went out...i was one of the teacher incharged of giving the exam slips..i got to see different reactions of happy faces ..sadness...shocking experience...as for my side, and my previous experience..in any task/exam...what u give u get back..Allah is fair..He granted prayers of those who wanted it really bad.....I was not surprised with the faces..congratulations and good luck to my ex students..especially the only class i taught last year..Acturus...
the teachers----
i am teaching pmr students this year..and chemistry form 4...i pray for the best results in the
future.Bukakanlah dan terangkanlah hati pelajar2ku dalam menimba ilmu..Amin Ya
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
It's not new but it feels like one
curiousity...curiousity..well,it's a great feeling of not buying a new one but feels like one...basically i am talking about the EF1 Solution. Last two months, hub was trying to convince me on trying a solution for our cars..in which it helps in improving the performance of your not so new car to a better performance almost 80% like a new one...so here it goes...i said i disagree because I was afraid that we will be cheated by the salesman since we had a lot of experience trying things but it ended up as if we were just wasting our money...so he kept silent..ingatkan dia tak buat rupe2nye die try jugak...so one day i accidentally took my hub's car keys to go to school.i am soo in love in driving hence i can sense even minor difference once i started driving... macam..mak ai..apesal pick up semacam ni...4yi i own a gen2 1.6 manual tahun 2004...i called hub"abg buat ape kat kereta sampai sedap mcm ni"...he laughed and said "yang abg ckp aritulah...so What is EF1 solution?

EF1 Solution adalah produk terbaru berteknologi tinggi yang dapat membersihkan carbon didlm kebuk pembakaran (combustion chamber), injap (valve), palam pencucuh (spark plug), piston, silinder dan intake manifold.
Kandungan EF1 Solution berfungsi dengan membuang semua kandungan carbon dan air terkumpul dalam cylinder-head.
Enjin yg sudah semakin hilang prestasinya akan kembali seperti keadaan asal selepas menggunakan produk ini.
Kehebatan selepas menggunakan EF1 Solution:
So sekiranya kereta dah sampai mase untuk buat top-overhaul..think again..try EF1 solution. Sebotol RM49.90. 2 botol utk kali pertama..dan anda akan rasa perbezaannya...
It's just 15-20minutes, berbanding dgn top-overhaul yang memakan masa (2hari paling cepat) dan belanja (RM350-RM650)..Impaknya..the journey which take hours woudn't be as tiring as it used to be..especially bagi anda yang selalu travel sini sana.....saya dah cube..anda bile lagi...Interested?
Call akmal(0197304535) or zamani (0197834535)
EF1 Solution adalah produk terbaru berteknologi tinggi yang dapat membersihkan carbon didlm kebuk pembakaran (combustion chamber), injap (valve), palam pencucuh (spark plug), piston, silinder dan intake manifold.
Kandungan EF1 Solution berfungsi dengan membuang semua kandungan carbon dan air terkumpul dalam cylinder-head.
Enjin yg sudah semakin hilang prestasinya akan kembali seperti keadaan asal selepas menggunakan produk ini.
Kehebatan selepas menggunakan EF1 Solution:
- Terasa seperti selepas melakukan TOP-OVERHAUL
- Prestasi enjin kembali seperti baru
- Enjin senyap (kurang berbunyi berbanding biasa)
- Kurang gegaran
- Pemanduan lebih lancar
- Kuasa pecut bertambah
- Menjimatkan bahan api (petrol)
- Enjin mudah dihidupkan
- Memanjangkan jangkahayat enjin anda
So sekiranya kereta dah sampai mase untuk buat top-overhaul..think again..try EF1 solution. Sebotol RM49.90. 2 botol utk kali pertama..dan anda akan rasa perbezaannya...
It's just 15-20minutes, berbanding dgn top-overhaul yang memakan masa (2hari paling cepat) dan belanja (RM350-RM650)..Impaknya..the journey which take hours woudn't be as tiring as it used to be..especially bagi anda yang selalu travel sini sana.....saya dah cube..anda bile lagi...Interested?
Call akmal(0197304535) or zamani (0197834535)
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