i've been neglecting my blog for months...i did try to squeeze in a few posts but they were left unfinished...it's syawal already..happy eid mubarak to everyone..i would like to ask for apologies..i am just an ordinary woman with a lot of wrongdoings..i am just me you know..ramadan had passed..as always, i'd always thought that i had not done enough during ramadan..was not making excuses but i'm still not used to be fully occupied entertaining my little princess and at the same time, to be abreast with the fadhilats of the ramadhan terawikhs...i guess i need more supplements to ensure i am all energetic to face the next ramadhans(if You allow me to Ya Allah..insya Allah...)
This hari raya was celebrated at hub's village. What i loved most during the first hari raya was after subuh prayers, we would recite the takbir together.I was amazed to see that everyone including the kids starting from such an early age, i mean no exceptionals to kids 3-4 years old in reciting those takbir..what a blissful moment we had...the best bonding time is the session when we were asking for forgiveness with each other.....everything was done in sincere and it was such a meaningful event to me...
At around 6 pm, we were driving back to my village...i was soooooo happy ( it's indescribable) as we got to gather and i think for the first time, we have a family photo with enough family members during hari raya(u know alternate turns and what knot). i don't care if we were not in our best dresses....My family is not that excited when it comes to taking pictures unlike me....hehehe...
All and all, praises to Allah...for His blessings..
my family hub's side (this was last year)hehhe>.this year memg tak sempat

i didn't blog about my trip to bandung..i'll blog about it later.....:)..