Monday, September 9, 2013
Our little family
Business trips are tiring...well, not anymore...Lets just set in mind that we are not there for business but VACATION!!!!yes and let the pictures do the talking...
Attended erin's wedding and managed to cath up with those who came (SSpians 9701)
Most importantly the cheeky asilah had a great time bullying mummy.We love u so much syg
My inspiration of becoming a teacher
I used to work in a private company for 2 years and had the experience of getting almost 4 months end of year bonus....but why on earth did i switch my job to an education area? What a teacher does for a living?
When it comes to an activity, we ought to do what the students do. If you want your students to be patriotic, you too have to be one
Students are to do the absailing and so do you
And your loved ones can always be with you
Its such an amazing feeling to love and to be loved by your students...We know no boundaries....We have no limits, We are set to educate, we produce great people, we work with our soul...I am a teacher by choice...and I'll never stopped...reminiscing my early days of teaching make me laugh...
Who said teachers are no fun?
My SPM students are in the middle of trial..May Allah help ease their journey. Ameen
Monday, September 2, 2013
Just like the old times
Just recently, me and hub decided to have a short vacation of every business trip that we had…..the itinerary had always been checking in, swimming, food hunting (this activity varies in accordance to the location of the hotel) sometimes we even had our food in bed which i never did in my whole life. Nevertheless, i find it a little bit de-stressing to do that when i am on a vacation…If you think that this is some kind of a honeymoon…you are totally wrong..We tried to leave asilah on a daytrip and at the end of the day, we missed her ramblings and she would give us the whats-wrong-with-you -two look..hence she managed to squeeze in into our luggage and as usual she conquered most of our times with "Mummy, nak pg toilet?" We were running like crazy finding a toilet, later she said.."takde pun mummy..." :p..toilet training it is
This time, we checked in at Seri Pacific Hotel, once known as Pan Pacific.. This was the route that I took back and forth from SSP Jalan Kolam Ayer and LRT..We first decided to stay in Seri Pacific because we purposely wanted to have dinner of the famous Nasi Goreng Ayam Berlada at the top floor of The Mall. Unfortunately it is now under construction. We didn't want to drive so, we went to SOGO by LRT. It was the first experience for asilah riding on a train..she was screaming like" Bestnya mummy....bestnya train!!!" hahaha...anak sape la ni weyyy....
The three of us walked to the LRT station and had our McDonalds at SOGO, had a quality time together.....Next planning is to expose Asilah with other public transportation. Hopefully she will appreciate the ni'mat that Allah has given us all these while..Till then.....lovess
Friday, April 19, 2013
Our first live show..hahaha..
Ni ms andak kawin, no practise, takde plan....terjah je.please ignore the faces. we are no professionals here. and plkus rasanya siti je yang bila nyanyi cantik sentiasa kan?heeeee
click here
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Adat manusia yang menilai...
Assalamualaikum readers(perghh, tak tahan..macam ramai je),

Actually hari ni macam terpanggil nak tulis blog pasal gelagat manusia...Dalam menulis dan bercerita, sebenarnya ini kira self reminder juga..We are just human beings, kadangkala ingat kadangkala terlupaa, kadangkala ingat tapi buat jugaa...hmmmm...Kita tgk kajian kes di bawah
1) When i was in UM( masa ni kira dah final year dah), i had the experience working as a front of house in satu fast food ni. Nak kerja, pakai apron kasut hitam, orang masuk nak makan je selalu kena jerit "Welcome" ala-ala kat "Hari-hari" tu tapi dekat "Hari-hari" kena cakap malay--> Selamat Datang!!!hihihihih.
Itulah, bila kita bekerja bahagian servis ni, mmg byk gelagat manusia yg kita jumpa. Masa tu tak keja lagi, so mmg value duit rasa sgt tinggi. Eventhough keja kat situ and boleh dapat staff rate, tapi mmg syg dgn duit kalau nak spend sekali 30+ for a single meal. Bab ambil order mmg takde problem, but when it comes to food serving especially bulan puasa, MasyaAllah ramainya yang sabar berpuasa hingga maghrib tapi tak sabar barang 15 min pun untuk food serving. Of course to ensure the taste and the food quality, the food will only be prepared after order. But then, what do you expect? takkan 5 minutes dah siap meal for the whole table?MasyaAllah...tapi ye lah policy nya customer is always right we did our job despite of all the complaints dan maki hamun(kadang2 ada laa) yang diterima....Untuk yg membaca, tak baik macam itu ok, sebab yg masak pun biasanya puasa juga(sambil tangan jari telunjuk gerak kiri dan kanan). Normally, those who worked during the peak hour will only touch our food area 9pm bila dah lengang sikit. Tak percaya, tanya la sesiapa yang berniaga kedai makan, mmg 9pm-9.30 pm barulah boleh dapat mkn..Moralnya, kalau tunggu meal 10-15 min tak apalah, tapi kalau 1jam tu mmg boleh tanya apa masalahnya..(takut order tercicir).hiiii
yuummy kan?hmm
2) Kes kedua melibatkan watak-watak orang-orang berkerjaya....Normally on weekends, whenever staff got problems and they were not able to come to work, i mmg ganti jaga kedai...Butik yg belum cecah setahun tu mmg kecil ja, so mmg ok je kalau jaga...its just that bila kerja jaga kedai, people are not seeing meas a teacher. They see me as a salesperson. Inilah adat manusia menilai salesperson adalah orang yg mesti tak berpelajaran, tak pandai, boleh cakap apa sahaja.Its ok if you don't buy anything, you can just walk out but do not say things that you don't even know about it pun.just nak tunjuk pandai ja....tak beli pun, takde sapa kata you tak da duit. tapi manners org kita. Kalau org dulu kata, org kaya mmg macam tu. Pada sy miskin kaya sama sahaja. Biarlah kita pandai bukan atas kertas atau akademik shj tapi pandai dengan dilengkapi adab sopan...Kadang2 ada yg sibuk nak complain kain lycra ni takbaik dan sebagainya sedangkan yg dipegang ialah kain cotton. Tapi being a person, biasanya org begini kita ikutkan je. Its not worth it to fight and biar dia tak hormat kita, tetapi kita masih hormat dia. Tapi biasanya kalau yg datangdah tau saya cikgu, barula senyum seindah suria..hehhehe.Indahnya menjadi seorang guru,tapi jangan dilupa pekerja sokongan juga adalah pekerjaan yang muliaaaaa.:) Barakallah
*ni semata-mata gambar hiasan sahaja. Apapun , jemput dtg ke Butik Amal Amani di Tunas Mersing..hiiiiii
3) Kajian kes yang ketiga ialah ketika menjaga kaunter pembayaran..hohooohooyg ni geram sikit.wah wah mentang-mentang kita jaga kaunter, yg bayar main campak je duit...tak kish la yg jaga orrg tua ke sebaya ke mmg biasanya ada yg kerek semacam. Kenapalah khususnya orang kita menganggap org yang berniaga itu hina...memalukan...hatta kalau angkat sampah pun mulia nilai pekerjaannya....Hmmmm Biarlah kita hina di mata manusia, Jangan kita Hina di sisi Allah.
Adat manusia yang menilai, Yang kaya disanjung, yang miskin dihina....Sama sahaja semuanya di mata Allah....Sekadar berkongsiii..S.Dengarkan lagu ini :)
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