8/9 Disember 2007~8/9 Disember 2011
These two important dates..most important dates in my life...one is nikah and the other one is majlis di sebelah zam and not to forget the day i was born..Syukur alhamdulillah..It has been 4 years of getting married and many many many more years to come InsyaAllah...sehingga ajal tiba..amin amin ya rabbal alamin..Guess hub will not be reading this because he's not into blogs and if he does, these are the things that i want him to know without me telling him....
You are the man for me....You are so resilient, calm and cool when i bombard you with some killer questions yang rasenya kalau tanya orang lain, dah lama aku kene tinggal...You understand me, accept me the way i am...you are my best friend that's why i don't really need one when i'm with you..(tak kisahla walaupun awak tak ingat byk perkara).I'm simply being me...membebel, cepat marah, sometimes tak rasional pun, i am no hypocrite in front of you..because deep down inside i know you will understand. I don't really try to impress you with my coookings, you impressed me by saying, sedapnya syg masak....i know i don't because takde la sibuk nak ambil tahu sgt mknn kgmaran and what knot..(i know i'm bad..shoot me)...

i really hate cats but you love cats so much...i love taking pictures, you feel odd when you are holding a camera, you love hands on experience, i love my books, i love to clean up the house, you love to snore..hehhe(that's not the point), the point is that, we are so different, and that makes us both...

and for two years, we are there for each other waiting for our little one(sorry asilah, this entry is meant for abah and mummy, so you will not be highlighted that much..hehhe)..we know what we had faced throughout the journey was not easy......going back and forth, ups and downs, lots of arguments, different ideologies, we are looking at things at different perspectives which sometimes it becomes a so-called brainstorming session and later it becomes a debate session
but to wake up and look at you in the morning, still there for me, that is the nicest feeling ever...
Happy 4th anniversary.....i love you so much...both of you...Allah makbulkan doa saya...alhamdulillah atas nikmat yang tak terperi...
ReplyDeleteterima kasih ayang.... maaf kerana lewat untuk membaca penulisan ayang.... abang ingin mohon maaf sekiranya sepanjang 4 tahun tempoh perkahwinan kita tidak terlepas melakukan kesilapan ,abang berjanji untuk menjadi suami yang sempurna dan ayah yang baik pada anak kita... kita jadikan kesilapan semalam sebagai panduan dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian... abang sayang ayang,,,,, selamat ulang tahun perkahwinan dan selamat ulang tahun kelahiran.... semoga Allah merahmati dan melimpahkan kerahmatan terdahap kita sekeluarga... amin....