Thursday, October 28, 2010

( -__,-)......happy mode

This morning, I found out that one of my fav cousin had gone for labor and alhamdulillah sharp at 4.40 am in the morning, a babygirl was born...Welcome aboard Awatif binti Muhd Akmal....I had an instinct that she would deliver earlier that the due date but i never thought that It would be this early as in 37 weeks if i am not mistaken..tapi ape-apepun alhamdulillah..smua da selamat...tak sbr nak tgk baby this weekend..

Confinement period wasn't that bad..Maybe because my mother isn't that traditional n plus sebab bersalin operation kot....lauk2 macam biaser la kuah lemak lada hitam, ikan goreng, masak pindangikan bilis tumbuk halia, everything must be suam2..stokin kene pakai...but i'm not into pilis and param la..I did watch on tv the purpose of using pilis and param,tok elak darah 'meroyan' naik atas which is darah putih..hheheh..but I was sweating like hell so all the pilis and param akan masuk mata menitis sekali dgn no pilis no param..adala kadang2..

I think the most important thing is to stay positive...But be honest I was quite stressed out especially when the baby is crying as if she is abused by lama2 ok la...budak nangis kire exercise ape....with the help n support and the loved ones..i think i'll b ok..cume ye la ..personally maybe org yang berpantang ni rase tak berapa tenang, sbb takleh solat n recite the Al-Quran sbg penenang hati tp papepun everything goes just fine.Baby alhamdulillah da pandai mintak angkat n nyanyi pada die( actually the mother memg suke skrg leh nyanyi kuat2 as if requested by the baby) takleh angkat lama2 because it's still painful inside..tmpt klip operation ok..sometimes especially mase batuk sakit jugak la..Another problem is the constipation, I don't know if it happens only to me..or the others experience the same thing as well....but ya i have to drink a lot of water since the body is producing milk on n on n on...kurang air pun maybe the way here's the video of amani trying to sleep.


  1. kemmm!! so proud of you! love how u put asilah to sleep!!! don't worry, u'll do fine insyaallah.. anda kan kuat bersemangat!!! hehe!

    p/s - kem salam to ur mom ok!! hopefully she still remember me :)

  2. hehehe..tau tak kaem...that works only for a few days..skng da tak jalan kalau nk tdokan mcm tuh...hehheheh...i'll be fine , yeah!!!hahhaha...mak aku ingat sgt kat ko..kan die sibuk berkenan nak jodohkan ngn sape2 soh ko dok johor...die pun kirim slm..kuikui..
