Every stage of life will leave footprints in our hearts. Each chapter starts and ends in different ways. some might end very well indeed and the rest ironically end in such a way that we can never imagine. I bet we all have our problems, going through the hiccups along the journey, in our campus life, marriage life, career and family...I've always had these principles in my head Allah (first), family (second) and career(third)..There are moments in life when we disobey our own principles..neglect our ibadah, leaving family behind just to fulfill certain requirements and job scope in our workplace...There are scenes when we are so stressful with our work and we choose to throw the tantrums to our loved ones whom have been waiting for us since morning. I remember my husband's advices when i started working back in 2007(we were enganged at that time),"Bila kita kerja ni, kena tahu nak bahagikan masa. Kalau kita pergi kerja, masalah di rumah sangkut di pintu rumah dan apabila masuk pintu gate tempat kerja, masalah kerja yang kite sangkutkan semalam kita ambil semula. Samalah apabila kita balik ke rumah dari tempat kerja, sangkut masalah kita pada gate tempat kerja, dan masuk sahaja rumah, ambil semula masalah atau kerja rumah yang kita sangkut pagi tadi". .so after 3 years i discovered that it's not that easy not to think about work once i reached home..And when we think that we have done so many things for the career and others don't, we might burst out at first...asking yourself what went wrong...We have so many queries lingering in our mind. Deep down inside, we are frustrated, not having the motivation to work anymore, feel like quitting and etcetcetc. well, think again!!!after several thoughts, i say always look at the bright side..In the quran, Allah swt said that
“Tidak ada sesuatu musibah yang menimpa (seseorang), kecuali dengan izin Allah; dan barang siapa beriman kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan memberi petunjuk kepada hatinya. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu”. – at-Tagabun : 11
“(Yaitu) orang-orang yang apabila ditimpa musibah mereka berkata “Sesungguhnya kami milik Allah dan kepadaNyalah kami akan kembali”” – Innalillahi Wa inna Ilaihi Rajiun. –al-Baqarah : 156.
Experience and mistakes are the best teachers. Thanks Allah for giving us the opportunity to treasure lives, thanks for lending us the knowledge, skills and the happiness..I will try to enrich those lended knowledge with morals and values day by day..well, quote for the day.always look at the bright side..it's time to change!!
*hub: sekiranya buat sesuatu, jgn dihirau pandangan orang, yang perlu dirisau ialah pandangan Allah...make sense huh..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Always look at the bright side......
Monday, February 7, 2011
jusco oh jusco
I was celebrating the Chinese New Year with my loved ones..because my grandfather is a chinese....terkejut kan??i don't look like one..but hey..i'm kidding..hahaha...muka macam jawa nak mengaku chinese pulak..hehhe...i was not going anywhere at chinese new year because hubby was supposed to be working every single day....<--but that was the plan..Allah kata kite mesti ikhtiarkan..so what i did was, i sms mr.hubby at 10 a.m in the morning..sms itu berbunyi begini "em balik kul berapa..orang siap2 ni nak kuar g jb kan...."(eventhough saya tau perkara itu takkan berlaku)..no reply..duh(it didn't work at all)...after half an hour, i sent him a message again..."da sampai bagitau tau, org siap2 ni..heheh"....no reply...i was like, okay i gave up..u win..11.30 a.m i called him.."did u get my message?"dia kata "tak perasan pulak" i replied "i see, its ok.."hang up...he called and said..siap2..kul 12 abg sampai...."bia betol!!!!tak payah2 g kerja" and finally "its ok..hari ni sume dah settle..abg half day"and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..bestnye g jalan....ye, saya ada tahi lalat di tapak kaki..sebab itu kuat berjalan...so we went to jusco tebrau city..what i love in jusco tebrau city is basically the facilities...its baby room for me is quite condusive..ok la..since ade rooms for bfeeding, buai...air pns n sejuk..etc etc...fyi everytime g tebrau city, asilah mesti akan qada'hajat ye...this is the fourth time...she has the chemistry already...and so am I..hehhee..here are some of the pictures in jusco
sayang kami..hehhe
hubby and fazli(jie's husband)..ini disember yg lepas
jijie and syifa, malino et moi (sila tgk syifa yg fokus ke kanan mls nk layan n amani yang memg lepak semacam)..ni pun disember lepas sje je nak selitkan..heheh
so after jusco, kami pergi ngeteh(minum malam...)hehehe
asilah was so excited..she didn't sleep at all..it's 11.30 p.m...but later dalam kereta terus tdo...
the next days, we just stayed at home having a great family hour..susah nak dpt masa yg berkualiti dgn family disebabkan komitmen kerja (ewah...)
asilah : what's up yo!!muka cam ganas...baju bunga2..chet..
the fanciest handcuffs ever..inilah jadinya bile orang tua main permainan kanak2
asilah: look at me..i'm strong and mighty because....
my father and I always had our massage together..
asilah: there were times when i was a bit cranky...just to get mommy's and abah's attention..
asilah : what should i order...nyam nyam
people i love the most...:)))
how's your CNY??....
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Best companion..
Companion..easier said than done..but there is one companion,He is inseparable from us.never.... incommensurable...unsurpassed...just HIM..Allah s.w.t...when i am experiencing difficulties, He's always by my side..Whenever i want something so badly, all i know is He will be giving it to me either all at once or it comes by pieces....He granted almost every single prayers..I never had a dream...i mean a REAL big dream..not that i am not ambitious but i guess i am still searching for one..when i was in year 6, i wanted to go to sekolah seri puteri, just because my eldest sister was a former student of ssp..my aunt either..but on that particular time it was known as sek men jalan kolam ayer if i am not mistaken... i remember one of my english teacher, cikgu rahiman wrote in my report card.."seri puteri will be waiting for you"..i didn't apply but managed to get through..but i was ungrateful...between academic and cocurriculum, i enjoyed more on cocurriculum...but alhamdulillah He surprised me with the PMR results..and again i thought f4 was the honeymoon year, but still He granted me the SPM result better than i expected..didn't get A for physics, history..obviously i was not listed as top students...still i am thankful to Allah..He showed me the path not to study abroad, but here in Malaysia..since then I've always prayed"Ya Allah, You know what's best for me...i will just have faith and accept..." I was accepted to matriculation college,struggled,tried my best still unable to achieve 3.7...i really didn't get the point at that particular time...sometimes i thought that He was not fair to me..I worked so hard..still reluctant to accept the fact that i wast not able to study medicine...but then alhamdulillah after my first year doing applied chemistry, i knew i was on the right track.Second year, hub and family came asking for my hand.. i performed solat hajat and istikharah and said yes..without further delay, we were engaged..and got married 2 years later...when i was married, i stayed in pasir gudang,hub was in the estate..2 hours journey from kluang...but he insisted to work in pasir gudang..we prayed and prayed...3 weeks after we got married, he got a position in a recruitment company as a recruitment consultant...and we stayed together going through up and downs, finally after1 year i decided to switch to the government sector..so we lived separately for 1 year plus and again he decided to find a job in Mersing no matter what.he applied for several jobs and alhamdulillah finally...he is now a hotelier.we received the good news after a week that i knew i was pregnant.all we want is to live together...so one after another...but me?i am constantly making mistakes...how ungrateful i am...undeniably He is the bestest companion,second is my mother and husband....we're just like the bermuda triangle..hahahe..next are my brothers and sisters especially when it comes to gossiping..but now i have a new bestmate...

asilah with the image of ct nurhaliza
asilah and her cousin..aizat comel
asilah teman mummy shopping
asilah and her bestie..
here a video of asilah struggling to prone herself
with a little help from mother at the beginnings..please ignore the voice..whenever i talk to babies my voice automatically changed....hehe..(kalau tak tahan sila tutup telinga anda..hehe)sorry the video was shot using my not-so-high pixel-handphone..thus low quality sikit
semoga saya menjadi isteri,anak, ibu yang solehah...aminn...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The unseens are very powerful
Most of us tend to judge things from what we see at the first place..yeah it's true..for example if we watch a movie, who cares to google or to check out scenes behind it..All we know is to have the opinion of the movie itself..but basically in life, we should always look at the underneath...I came out with this topic after watching this particular woman..............................
Yes..Jillian Michaels...am not talking about her personal lives but her appearances on TV..I've been watching the biggest loser ever since she became the trainer....the way she motivates..it goes right through my heart..i don't know whether it's just me..she's just inspiring...no matter how harsh she is...
I've always advised my studemts back at school that Insya Allah there is no such thing as impossible..being a teacher, i think when i am advising my students i am not pointing out at anybody because at the same time i am convincing/giving reminders to myself as well...so the keyword is MOTIVATION...
The next powerful thing is LOVE...love towards the Almighty Allah s.w.t....families,extended families, relatives,friends,etc etc...A single mother can raise her 5 children alone because of love..a father works day and night because of love, nothing but love...........love enables us to make things happen..in the earlier post, i did mention i actually drove from gombak to simpang renggam almost every week to see my daughter..
a 3 hours journey seems like a short one.due to the high momentum in me to get there as soon as possible..despite the packed schedule that i had....that is LOVE...Just want to share some of the pictures with the people i heart the most...
family belah ayah (belah mak takde soft copy nyer)
my favourite panca sitara...mak n abah...
family day 2010 (my side)
raya..hub's side...
Allah s.w.t is the most powerful yet He is unseen,thus be a good servant of Allah s.w.t and empowered by loves from the loved ones, we'll be motivated + have the self determination to make things happen. For things to change, we must change first(sounds familiar rite :p )
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