Companion..easier said than done..but there is one companion,He is inseparable from us.never.... incommensurable...unsurpassed...just HIM..Allah s.w.t...when i am experiencing difficulties, He's always by my side..Whenever i want something so badly, all i know is He will be giving it to me either all at once or it comes by pieces....He granted almost every single prayers..I never had a dream...i mean a REAL big dream..not that i am not ambitious but i guess i am still searching for one..when i was in year 6, i wanted to go to sekolah seri puteri, just because my eldest sister was a former student of aunt either..but on that particular time it was known as sek men jalan kolam ayer if i am not mistaken... i remember one of my english teacher, cikgu rahiman wrote in my report card.."seri puteri will be waiting for you"..i didn't apply but managed to get through..but i was ungrateful...between academic and cocurriculum, i enjoyed more on cocurriculum...but alhamdulillah He surprised me with the PMR results..and again i thought f4 was the honeymoon year, but still He granted me the SPM result better than i expected..didn't get A for physics, history..obviously i was not listed as top students...still i am thankful to Allah..He showed me the path not to study abroad, but here in Malaysia..since then I've always prayed"Ya Allah, You know what's best for me...i will just have faith and accept..." I was accepted to matriculation college,struggled,tried my best still unable to achieve 3.7...i really didn't get the point at that particular time...sometimes i thought that He was not fair to me..I worked so hard..still reluctant to accept the fact that i wast not able to study medicine...but then alhamdulillah after my first year doing applied chemistry, i knew i was on the right track.Second year, hub and family came asking for my hand.. i performed solat hajat and istikharah and said yes..without further delay, we were engaged..and got married 2 years later...when i was married, i stayed in pasir gudang,hub was in the estate..2 hours journey from kluang...but he insisted to work in pasir gudang..we prayed and prayed...3 weeks after we got married, he got a position in a recruitment company as a recruitment consultant...and we stayed together going through up and downs, finally after1 year i decided to switch to the government we lived separately for 1 year plus and again he decided to find a job in Mersing no matter what.he applied for several jobs and alhamdulillah finally...he is now a hotelier.we received the good news after a week that i knew i was pregnant.all we want is to live one after another...but me?i am constantly making ungrateful i am...undeniably He is the bestest companion,second is my mother and husband....we're just like the bermuda are my brothers and sisters especially when it comes to gossiping..but now i have a new bestmate...

asilah with the image of ct nurhaliza
asilah and her cousin..aizat comel
asilah teman mummy shopping
asilah and her bestie..
here a video of asilah struggling to prone herself
with a little help from mother at the beginnings..please ignore the voice..whenever i talk to babies my voice automatically changed....hehe..(kalau tak tahan sila tutup telinga anda..hehe)sorry the video was shot using my not-so-high pixel-handphone..thus low quality sikit
semoga saya menjadi isteri,anak, ibu yang solehah...aminn...
kemek! asilah is so cute!! yeay u have a blog now.. will be my daily read :) -denise
ReplyDeletedenise....can't wait for your turn.....i bet ur baby will be cuter because u r one cute creature i've ever met...when is ur due dear?