I was celebrating the Chinese New Year with my loved ones..because my grandfather is a chinese....terkejut kan??i don't look like one..but hey..i'm kidding..hahaha...muka macam jawa nak mengaku chinese pulak..hehhe...i was not going anywhere at chinese new year because hubby was supposed to be working every single day....<--but that was the plan..Allah kata kite mesti ikhtiarkan..so what i did was, i sms mr.hubby at 10 a.m in the morning..sms itu berbunyi begini "em balik kul berapa..orang siap2 ni nak kuar g jb kan...."(eventhough saya tau perkara itu takkan berlaku)..no reply..duh(it didn't work at all)...after half an hour, i sent him a message again..."da sampai bagitau tau, org siap2 ni..heheh"....no reply...i was like, okay i gave up..u win..11.30 a.m i called him.."did u get my message?"dia kata "tak perasan pulak" i replied "i see, its ok.."hang up...he called and said..siap2..kul 12 abg sampai...."bia betol!!!!tak payah2 g kerja" and finally "its ok..hari ni sume dah settle..abg half day"and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..bestnye g jalan....ye, saya ada tahi lalat di tapak kaki..sebab itu kuat berjalan...so we went to jusco tebrau city..what i love in jusco tebrau city is basically the facilities...its baby room for me is quite condusive..ok la..since ade rooms for bfeeding, buai...air pns n sejuk..etc etc...fyi everytime g tebrau city, asilah mesti akan qada'hajat ye...this is the fourth time...she has the chemistry already...and so am I..hehhee..here are some of the pictures in jusco

sayang kami..hehhe
hubby and fazli(jie's husband)..ini disember yg lepas
jijie and syifa, malino et moi (sila tgk syifa yg fokus ke kanan mls nk layan n amani yang memg lepak semacam)..ni pun disember lepas sje je nak selitkan..heheh
so after jusco, kami pergi ngeteh(minum malam...)hehehe
asilah was so excited..she didn't sleep at all..it's 11.30 p.m...but later dalam kereta terus tdo...
the next days, we just stayed at home having a great family hour..susah nak dpt masa yg berkualiti dgn family disebabkan komitmen kerja (ewah...)
asilah : what's up yo!!muka cam ganas...baju bunga2..chet..
the fanciest handcuffs ever..inilah jadinya bile orang tua main permainan kanak2
asilah: look at me..i'm strong and mighty because....
my father and I always had our massage together..
asilah: there were times when i was a bit cranky...just to get mommy's and abah's attention..
asilah : what should i order...nyam nyam
people i love the most...:)))
how's your CNY??....
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