Every stage of life will leave footprints in our hearts. Each chapter starts and ends in different ways. some might end very well indeed and the rest ironically end in such a way that we can never imagine. I bet we all have our problems, going through the hiccups along the journey, in our campus life, marriage life, career and family...I've always had these principles in my head Allah (first), family (second) and career(third)..There are moments in life when we disobey our own principles..neglect our ibadah, leaving family behind just to fulfill certain requirements and job scope in our workplace...There are scenes when we are so stressful with our work and we choose to throw the tantrums to our loved ones whom have been waiting for us since morning. I remember my husband's advices when i started working back in 2007(we were enganged at that time),"Bila kita kerja ni, kena tahu nak bahagikan masa. Kalau kita pergi kerja, masalah di rumah sangkut di pintu rumah dan apabila masuk pintu gate tempat kerja, masalah kerja yang kite sangkutkan semalam kita ambil semula. Samalah apabila kita balik ke rumah dari tempat kerja, sangkut masalah kita pada gate tempat kerja, dan masuk sahaja rumah, ambil semula masalah atau kerja rumah yang kita sangkut pagi tadi". .so after 3 years i discovered that it's not that easy not to think about work once i reached home..And when we think that we have done so many things for the career and others don't, we might burst out at first...asking yourself what went wrong...We have so many queries lingering in our mind. Deep down inside, we are frustrated, not having the motivation to work anymore, feel like quitting and etcetcetc. well, think again!!!after several thoughts, i say always look at the bright side..In the quran, Allah swt said that
“Tidak ada sesuatu musibah yang menimpa (seseorang), kecuali dengan izin Allah; dan barang siapa beriman kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan memberi petunjuk kepada hatinya. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu”. – at-Tagabun : 11
“(Yaitu) orang-orang yang apabila ditimpa musibah mereka berkata “Sesungguhnya kami milik Allah dan kepadaNyalah kami akan kembali”” – Innalillahi Wa inna Ilaihi Rajiun. –al-Baqarah : 156.
Experience and mistakes are the best teachers. Thanks Allah for giving us the opportunity to treasure lives, thanks for lending us the knowledge, skills and the happiness..I will try to enrich those lended knowledge with morals and values day by day..well, quote for the day.always look at the bright side..it's time to change!!
*hub: sekiranya buat sesuatu, jgn dihirau pandangan orang, yang perlu dirisau ialah pandangan Allah...make sense huh..
Setuju Mal..
Kesusahan itu sebagai satu Latihan,
Kesenangan itu sebagai satu Ujian
betul sgt c.rahman..lepas pkr dan berpikir...cari yg positif.yg negatif letak kat tepi