Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hundred Miles away

On the 22nd Nov 2010, i am officially the student of UIA as we have read the student's oath. Being a chemist for 2 years and a teacher for another 2 years, i have never imagined myself as a student again..i'm taking Postgraduate Diploma of Education for 2 years...During the registration I was still in the confinement period..boleh nak postpone to another year tp i refused since i thought that i'm not going to face any difficulties to deal with the hurdles and what knot...but I must say..being away from my baby is DAMN hard.. I seldom use the 'damn' word because i never thought i have to..but this is totally face all these circumstances i need to be strong and positive..all the way...The classes start as early as 9 a.m and it ends sometimes at 10.30 p.m..i m exhausted..this is just the 3rd day..n here i am..flatttt..

There are a few things that i wanna, even with the packed schedule, we ( i m saying we because there are a few of us) still have to prepare the food supply for our babies...ade yg baru 40 hari bersalin, myself today is around 44 hari..for the first few days, simpan dkt freezer tumpang cafe..but worrying about the cleanliness, i did ask a permission from one of the co-op personnel to store our's hard to find a real good we put the supplies in one of the ice cream tub under all the ice creams but later tak bleh jugak sebab takut company ice cream marah.. It's a woman thing right? Man may not takdela marah sebab btul pun ape yg die aku menggagahkan diri jumpa dgn warden di unikl-bmi ni..and he is a MAN either....boleh je kalau encik warden ni tak nk tolong..because i am actually asking for an extra any means it is not included in any perjanjian and he can just ignore..tapi tak...he's being so tolerant by giving me the permission to hold the gym's key in which kat dalam gym itu ada fridge yang bersih dan elok....alhamdulillah bile niat kite baik, cara kita bertanya pun baik, akhirnya permintaan juga disambut baik..

so every week saya akan pulang ke kmpung dan menghantar susu kepada cinta hati saya..hehehe...sbnarnye kalau nk ikutkan susu formula lagi murah daripada kalau nak balik tiap2 minggu...tapi due to the incomparable love of a mother..still kite akan bagi susu kite sendiri we want the best for our babies...
cerita pasal subjects taken pulak..those subjects are Historical and Philosophical of Education, School and community, Islamic World view and the Co curriculum...euuwww... i am so not a philosopher i guess because i have to tune myself 360 degrees(or should i say i need more) to actually understand the stories, the views of the philosophers, and to come out with certain view of a subject...saya adalah orang yang super lurus..i am not excellent in science either..entahla..sangat mencabar ok!!!i hope i can perform very well not just in the examination but to have a good understanding of what it is all about so that i can relate the knowledge with my teaching later on...

andaikata badan boleh belah 2, satu tinggal kat uia satu lagi tinggal ka kg..boleh???hhuhuhu

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Majlis aqiqah dan cukur jambul asilah amani...

Hari sabtu 6hb tak silap..alhamdulillah selesai sudah majlis aqiqah anakku..kambing biri2 seekor telah terkorban dan sekali dgn majlis cukur jambul dan bercukur...

Throughout the function, asilah was sleeping peacefully in her 2 yg dtg sume cakap.."baiknye...bangun2!!!" I was like, alhamdulillah she behaved are some of the pictures during the ceremony..

                                     bilal kampung hj juraimi tgh potong jambul..

ni hj mahmod yg nikahkan kitorg..hehehhe

ahli2 masjid yg datang...

makan2 time..i coudn't stand looking at the crowd taking food.due to the confinement...but oh yes i did take suku pinggan of the one knows...shhhh

never been happier...alhamdulillah....:)

now it's the picture of my asilah amani yg telah dibotakkan..hope it will not be as controversial as sharifah amani membotakkan kepala tok cite mualaf tu..hehhehe

cian die ade ruam2 susu..yg pelik tu kat mata pun ade skt..pdahal stiap kali susu siap lap 2 3 kali ngn wet tissue...huhuhu..hopefully akan hilang the doc said it's normal..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

( -__,-)......happy mode

This morning, I found out that one of my fav cousin had gone for labor and alhamdulillah sharp at 4.40 am in the morning, a babygirl was born...Welcome aboard Awatif binti Muhd Akmal....I had an instinct that she would deliver earlier that the due date but i never thought that It would be this early as in 37 weeks if i am not mistaken..tapi ape-apepun alhamdulillah..smua da selamat...tak sbr nak tgk baby this weekend..

Confinement period wasn't that bad..Maybe because my mother isn't that traditional n plus sebab bersalin operation kot....lauk2 macam biaser la kuah lemak lada hitam, ikan goreng, masak pindangikan bilis tumbuk halia, everything must be suam2..stokin kene pakai...but i'm not into pilis and param la..I did watch on tv the purpose of using pilis and param,tok elak darah 'meroyan' naik atas which is darah putih..hheheh..but I was sweating like hell so all the pilis and param akan masuk mata menitis sekali dgn no pilis no param..adala kadang2..

I think the most important thing is to stay positive...But be honest I was quite stressed out especially when the baby is crying as if she is abused by lama2 ok la...budak nangis kire exercise ape....with the help n support and the loved ones..i think i'll b ok..cume ye la ..personally maybe org yang berpantang ni rase tak berapa tenang, sbb takleh solat n recite the Al-Quran sbg penenang hati tp papepun everything goes just fine.Baby alhamdulillah da pandai mintak angkat n nyanyi pada die( actually the mother memg suke skrg leh nyanyi kuat2 as if requested by the baby) takleh angkat lama2 because it's still painful inside..tmpt klip operation ok..sometimes especially mase batuk sakit jugak la..Another problem is the constipation, I don't know if it happens only to me..or the others experience the same thing as well....but ya i have to drink a lot of water since the body is producing milk on n on n on...kurang air pun maybe the way here's the video of amani trying to sleep.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Dunno how to express with words..i am finally a MOM..mother.mummy..umi..whatever the name is..i am sooo delighted..sgt suka sgt happy sgt tak tau nk cakap mcm this is how it feels to be a mother..
Inilah ceritanye..
We have been married for two years..8 dec 2007..(one day b4 my bday) and that was the greatest bday gift ever..staying together, going thru ups and downs...He was a recruitment consultant and i was a chemist on that particular time..My nature of work does not confide me to get pregnant on that particular time...n to be honest we do feel that economically we were not we decided not to have one until I finally settled down as a government servant in 2009...

Life was hard back then..sorang dok mersing sorang dok pasir msh lg bersyukur sebab ramai lagi yang jauh berbanding kitorg ni..we wanted a child so badly....been praying day n night...pregnancy test mmg da byk da sibuk bertanye..bile lagi?kenapa tolak rezeki tuhan...and kitorg buat silent mode je...or jawapannye Insya Allah....

So, december yg lepas, we decided to go for medical check up..both of us...and we went to the medical officer to ask for advices..alhamdulillah dua2 biasela gula terlebih, kolestrol blabla...hehhehe
that's not the point..ok2, back to the story rezeki blm ada lg..

I did ask the medical officer, I will have to attend a course diploma pendidikan end of 2010....(padahal tak dapat surat lg ok)hehehe..ikut instinct je..dip ed tu nanti kene pegi evrytime cuti sekolah selama 2 kalau waktu ni br nk pregnant takut tak leh nak commit blaja..

So doc pun ckap boleh, ada care..he gave us the kitorg berulang alik ke hospital selama beberapa bulan, scan injections bla bla bla...alhamdulillah February dapatlah rezeki...after one week dapat tau pregnant husband pun dapat keje dekat di anak ni mmg rezeki kan..kire double bonus awal taun ni....

Alhamdulillah due sepatutnya 26/10/10(sepatutnye hari ni) we both decided to go for induction delivery at 38 weeks because of two reasons 1) HIGH BP start dpd 36 weeks smpai naik ke 160/90...phewwww....2) diploma pendidikan is scheduled to be started at 22nov i will hv 1month plus for the confinement least la....after smyg hajat, istikharah n taubat whatso ever...we went to the clinic on the 9th October 2010 as suggested by the doctor....(die kata untung2 dapat 101010) tak harap cume mintak2 trus 9/10 jugak bersalin...

9th October 2010
9.00 am : daftar di kaunter..immediately kene salin baju n what knot n kene get ready for the first induction..
               bersalin serah diri ni lain macam sikit..sebab da siap practise pushing dari rumah..hahha
9.30 am : Doc masukkan ubat....huhu..sakit ye tuan2 dn puan2 but it's bearable la..berbanding dgn sakit
               bersalin sebenar..hehhe
10.00 am - 2 pm : Since clinic cam kosong je, dapat la bilik sorang2...harga di Johor Maternity Kluang ni sgt
                            la affordable ye...contraction tak terasa sgt..baru sikit2...n me and hub mcm separuh
                           bercuti siap tgk sukan komanwel bagai..hehhe..but poor hubby sibuk dgn lappy buat keje2
                           mana yang boleh
6.00 pm : the in laws datang n melawat...ubat tu biasanye akan sakit after 6hours but once in a while je ada
               rase sakit
10.00 pm : buat ctg, jantng baby ok, contraction pun ada.. tp 7 minutea to 8 minutes interval..nurse
                 cakap kalau tak tetap maksudnye sakit pasal ubat...
1.00 am : mase ni sakit da mcm ape dah....tuhan je yg tau..tapi masih bley tersenyum  n hub
               tak henti2 recite ape yg patut.....tertdo terjaga zikir balik...husband sgt positive..dia cakap esok pg
               bersalin..i said amin..wat ctg. contraction masih rase sakitnyer..nurse cakap akak rase ptg awak
               bersalin lom cek opening lg..after vcheck improvement..still one cm..i was like
               HAAAA?!!!takde opening?kalau da ade 2cm or 3cm opening ,leh la drip n bajet 1cm for 1 hour
               petang bersalin but nope..kene tambah dose induce lagi the next morning....

10th October 2010

8.30 am : induce 2 biji proksin(btul ke tak spelling tuh)..tak sakit sampai la
3,00 pm : ..sakit2..andak, mak ngn ngah datang visit petang hilanglah sakit kejap dok bergembira
               ngan anak sedara..bile diorg da balik, sakit2 balik.huhuhuh.
3,30 pm : wat ctg lagi.jtg baby ok...contraction da kuat da..bile timing sendiri rasenye da 3-4 minutes
               interval....nurse cakap kalau awk bersalin mlm ni, esok kluar, akak tak sempat jumpe awak..sbb
               akak cuti esok..owh(ye saya nk bersalin mlm ini.dalam hati la kan).so cek opening lg, I was praying
               n surprisingly the opening masih lagi stagnant at 1cm...Ya Allah....besarnye ujian..
               Friends kept on calling, da bersalin?macam mane?sms jgn ckp la....sampai ke malam n pg esoknye
               contractions but still 1 cm opening..

11h October 2010

8.30 am : tanye ngan doc, nk operate ke hape? Doc Luckmal cakap relax dulu..kite try one last time.Alang2
               nyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan.Induce for the last time
2.oo pm : contractions2....n all of a sudden aroun 1pm...rase mcm basah.. I was like ape ni???takkan tak
                 dpt nk rase g toilet kot..but then air kluar lagi..hmm..ok..i think it's air ketuban la..bgtau hubby..he
                 called the nurse n doc...doc dtg lambat sikit sbb byk delivery yang die tgh sambut..(yang masuk
                skali induce 9/10 sume telah selamat bersalin ye..)
5.00 pm : masuk labour room n cek lagi....erm doc kata air ketuban da die pchkan terus yg
                balance2 tuh n he checked the opening...still 1cm....nak rase sedih ke apa tatau nk he
                said bley kalau nk try drip tp chances 50-50 sebab biasenye drip start mase 2cm-3cm..paling
                lewat 10 pm operation.. dia kata kalau nk operate terus 6pm dia akan buat..waterbag da pecah,
                so within 24 hours baby kene kluar takut jangkitan air ketuban still colorless..means
                baby tak poo poo lagi kt dalam la...katanye, .i'll be in my fikir2 kan we called
                 the family members to inform that we had decided for the operation trus at 6pm..sume kata
5.30 pm : I was crying non stop...sbb tak sgka kene practising all the pushings and breathing
                techniques tetibe kene operate...but anything for u little baby..
5.45 pm : masuk OT....injection kat blkg...doc suruh angkat kaki kanan..bley angkat lg....angkat kaki kiri da
                berat da..few seconds later kaki kanan takle jari kaki masih leh yg
                menyesalnye sebab sy tdur ye sepanjang tak dengar bby nangis..tapi
                masalahnya..takut sendiri panik bile sedar sepanjang operation
7.15 pm : Beratnye mate..I was looking around..blurry..i was already in my room..hubby, stood beside
                me..mata berair and he said 'semuanye da selamat syg"..i said "alhamdulillah..ank kite cukup jari
                tgn kaki semua bang?"...husband ckp sume cukup sempurna..n i fell asleep again...kaki masih
                kebas2..malam kakak, mak abang sume dtg..tak larat sgt badan ni..nurse dtg tunjuk
                baby...sempatla pgg dahi n cium dahi die..

After the operation..stay 2 hari kat hospital..then discharged hari rabu..lepas lahirkan asilah amani ni, walaupun tak dapat bersalin secara normal tp ada dua benda yg sgt2 perlu diingat :
1) Betapa pentingnya kehadiran suami++ all the support yg die bagi walaupun towards the end operation jugak tp kata2 semangt yg diberi sgt2 la priceless.....takle nk describe mcm kene jdik isteri solehah pasni
2) Betapa besarnye pengorbanan seorang ibu..dan betapa ibu operlu dihormati tak kisahla ibu sendiri mahupun ibu mertua....walau apa sekalipun yg kita lakukan takkan dapat balas

Meet our lil precious Asilah Amani binti Mohd Zamani

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

a journey begins...

this is a turning point of life..sure it will be a remarkable one..i m starting this new blog not to erase the existing..but i personally think that i'm changing, due to the fact that i m becoming a mother insyaAllah on the 9th of October 2010, this saturday...phew, knowing that i m going to be induced in less than 72 hours, the feeling is way too different than a natural one...but InsyaAllah i m's the option that i've taken..hoping that the baby is ready for departure as well..we are soo eager to see u strong and please give your fullest cooperation especially during the labor and the pushing time....mummy and abah have always been praying that u will be a person with a noble heart,calm and strong inside out..let;s face this together sayang,,have fun ya..mummy will upload ur pics since 4 weeks old in my tummy until the day u are born...